With a forever growing EOS ecosystem, we have a forever growing list of projects that would like to get listed on EOSToolkit.io to offer Airgrab solutions or Staking/Claiming options. We are happy to update that we have included the following projects:
HireVibes Claiming

HireVibes is a decentralized application that helps people find great jobs and helps companies build great teams. If you are a HVT token holder you can stake your HVT and receive rewards from the daily rewards pool. Rewards are calculated based on number of tokens staked in relation to the daily rewards pool total — read more here
OpenBRM Staking

OpenBRM is a Billing and Revenue Management system hosting a wide variety of applications from subscriptions to telecoms. BRM has an existing company that have been servicing large clients for the last 6 years. Recently they announced that they have moved onto the EOS blockchain.
To register for the BRM reward drop that will take place on the 1st of March 2019, you must stake your BRM tokens and perform some initial tasks on their platform — read more here
Billionaire Airgrab

Billionaire Token is an EOS Token with a deflationary mechanism instead of a mining system. It is designed to be used as the in-game-currency for the Billionaire Token Games.The deflationary mechanism destroys 30% of the gambled XBL tokens. The minimum allowable supply is 128,000 XBL. After this is reached, no more tokens will be burned. To take part in their 1,100,000 XBL Airgrab supply simply use our airgrab claim feature.