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GenerEOS Announces First Beneficiary – The Guatemala Volcano Eruption

Last Updated: July 7, 2018

Fuego volcano, Guatemala

Our First Charitable Donation from EOS BP Reward

The Fuego volcano, about 40km (25 miles) south-west of Guatemala’s capital, erupted on 3 June, killing at least 69 people and relocating thousands of people to temporary shelters.

The eruption generated pyroclastic flows – fast-moving mixtures of very hot gas and volcanic matter – which descended down the slopes, engulfing communities such as El Rodeo and San Miguel Los Lotes.

Rescue teams are working frantically to relocate families and continue searching for further victims. A lack of resources specifically electricity in the most heavily hit zones is making searching difficult and at night time virtually impossible.

One of our fellow Block Producing community members Jose of @eosmeso is local to the area and is trying to raise awareness for the cause.

Our mission at GenerEOS is to support scalable and highly reliable block production whilst giving back 10% of our block reward profits to charities and worthy causes. In light of the tragic events that have taken place, we would like to announce that the Guatemala volcano eruption is our first beneficiary and we will pledge funds immediately to this cause once the mainnet launches.

If you would like to help out, you can make additional donations here


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